Research & Analysis

June 11, 2018
Five things you should know to understand capacity markets
For starters, what is a capacity market?

June 11, 2018
A fork in the road to reliable, clean, and affordable electricity in Alberta
Draft of the new capacity market excludes clean energy portfolio resources like energy efficiency

May 22, 2018
What does the Redwater case mean for oilsands mines clean-up?
Whatever the Supreme Court decides, Redwater will change how we do things

May 9, 2018
Alberta electricity system transformation is full of opportunity
We must adapt to change thoughtfully and in an evidence-based manner

Oil & Gas
May 2, 2018
The catch-22 of the Redwater case
Who gets the profits from selling a bankrupt oil and gas company?

April 27, 2018
On vehicle emissions standards, it’s time Canada divorced the U.S.
All signs now point to irreconcilable differences

April 27, 2018
Oilsands tailing ponds are a nasty challenge that can't be ignored
Issues have demonstrably worsened over the past decade

April 26, 2018
A liability iceberg in Alberta exposed by the Redwater case
Environmental liabilities are accumulating from tens of thousands of inactive sites

April 17, 2018
B.C. needs strategy to tackle rising costs of climate change
Stronger carbon tax is a good start for clean growth

April 16, 2018
PACE makes it easier for Albertans to invest in their homes and the environment
Will fund energy efficiency and renewable energy projects

April 16, 2018
Stronger pollution pricing key to protecting climate
Re: "A carbon tax - on two conditions only" (Germain Belzile, April 10)

April 12, 2018
Is B.C.’s Energy Step Code a blueprint for Canada?
Innovative building standard off to a promising start

April 5, 2018
Time to move past carbon tax repeal debate
Carbon pricing remains a core component of any credible plan to reduce emissions