Surveying the B.C. byelection candidates on climate change

Update: The results of the 2016 B.C. Byelection Candidate Survey came out on January 29. See the backgrounder, media release, and blog post.

The Pembina Institute is inviting all candidates in the Vancouver-Mount Pleasant and Coquitlam-Burke Mountain byelections on February 2, 2016, to compete a brief survey on climate-change issues in British Columbia.

We plan to share all the responses to our 2016 B.C. Byelection Candidate Survey with our supporters, media and the public prior to general voting day. The results will be distributed via our website (, email and social media.

Candidates are asked to complete the following survey and email their responses to by Wednesday, January 27 at 2 p.m.

Survey questions

B.C.’s Climate Leadership Team has delivered a package of recommendations to the provincial government on how to reduce carbon pollution, regain its climate leadership and maintain a strong economy. The team was composed of experts from the business, academic and environmental communities as well as representatives from the provincial government, First Nations and local governments.

1. Do you support these recommendations forming the basis for the province’s forthcoming Climate Leadership Plan?

2. Do you support the Climate Leadership Team’s recommendation to increase B.C.’s carbon tax by $10 per tonne per year starting in 2018 (and use the revenue to lower the PST from 7% to 6%, protect low-income households, and implement measures to maintain the competiveness of emissions-intensive industry)?

3. Do you support the Climate Leadership Team’s recommendation to require all new buildings to be super energy-efficient (i.e. capable of meeting most of their energy needs with onsite renewable energy) within the next 10 years?

4. Do you support the Climate Leadership Team’s recommendation to require an increasing percentage of light-duty vehicles sold in the province be zero-emission vehicles (rising to 30% by 2030)?