Research & Analysis
Oil & Gas
February 24, 2020
Media Release
Teck Frontier decision highlights need for co-ordinated climate policy
Pembina Institute reacts to Teck Resources Limited decision to withdraw oilsands project

Oil & Gas
February 19, 2020
The oilsands in a carbon-constrained Canada
The collision course between overall emissions and national climate commitments

Oil & Gas
February 12, 2020
Regardless of the decision, Teck Frontier proves the system is still broken
We need to understand how individual projects fit into Canada’s long-term decarbonization pathways

Oil & Gas
January 9, 2020
Why Canada's Energy Future report leads us astray
Examining assumptions and trends in Canada’s energy production
Oil & Gas
December 13, 2019
Media Release
Alberta’s regulations fail to effectively address major sources of emissions
Federal government would put Canada’s climate ambition at risk if Alberta’s weak methane regulations are approved
Oil & Gas
December 6, 2019
Media Release
Federal government approves TIER for 2020, but signals it will have to increase its ambition
Pembina Institute reacts to federal government announcement to accept Alberta’s industrial carbon pricing system

Oil & Gas
November 21, 2019
Landowners' Primer: What you need to know about unreclaimed oil and gas wells
A tool for landowners who find themselves with inactive, suspended, abandoned or orphaned wells on their property.

Oil & Gas
November 21, 2019
What do rural landowners need to know about inactive and orphaned wells?
Pembina Institute’s latest primer on oil and gas liabilities in Alberta

Oil & Gas
October 29, 2019
Media Release
TIER weakens incentives for technology, innovation and emissions reductions
Pembina Institute reacts to tabling of Alberta’s industrial carbon pricing system

Oil & Gas
October 12, 2019
Credibility is Alberta Energy Regulator's real problem
A “world-class regulator” needs to manage more than just pushing out fast approvals

Oil & Gas
September 24, 2019
Comparing Provincial and Federal Oil and Gas Methane Emissions Regulations
Factsheets for Policy Makers

Oil & Gas
July 24, 2019
What it takes to greenlight a new oilsands mega-mine
Examining the pending Teck Frontier open pit mine decision

Oil & Gas, Transportation
July 16, 2019
Canada’s clean fuel standard is exactly the kind of climate action we need
It's a measured and orderly approach to a necessary energy transition