Research & Analysis

Oil & Gas
August 1, 2006
Death by a Thousand Cuts
The Impacts of In Situ Oilsands Development on Alberta's Boreal Forest
August 1, 2006
Media Release
Scientists Warn of the Severe Environmental Consequences of Alberta's Deep Oilsands Development

July 21, 2006
Media Release
Hearing for Suncor Oilsands Expansion Shines Spotlight on Lack of Government and Industry Leadership

July 13, 2006
Media Release
Suncor Project Should Not Go Ahead As-Is: Energy Utilities Board Must Set Tough Limits on Greenhouse Gas Emissions

July 5, 2006
Media Release
Suncor Fails to Demonstrate Environmental Leadership: Oilsands Environmental Coalition asks the Alberta EUB to deny the approval of oilsands expansion

June 27, 2006
Media Release
Alberta Oilsands Development Takes Centre Stage at Smithsonian: Canadian and U.S. environmental groups bring environmental costs into the spotlight

June 14, 2006
Media Release
Canada defends billions in taxpayer subsidies to oil and gas industry
Industry receives $1.4 billion in tax breaks annually while greenhouse gas emissions skyrocket

May 30, 2006
Albertans' Perceptions of Oilsands Development Poll
Part 2: Environmental Issues