Research & Analysis

Oil & Gas
October 12, 2006
Oilsands Development and Climate Change - Implications for Canadians
Resource Development in the North

September 27, 2006
Oilsands Royalties
Presentation to the Oilsands Multi-stakeholder Committee
September 26, 2006
Media Release
Pembina Institute Advises Oilsands Panel: Government Must Hold Industry Accountable for Greenhouse Gas Pollution

September 26, 2006
Industry and Government Accountability in the Oilsands
Presentation to the Oilsands Multi-stakeholder Committee
September 19, 2006
Media Release
Government Must Rein in Disorderly Development, Balance with Environmental Protection

September 19, 2006
Pace of Development in the Oilsands
Presentation to the Oilsands Multi-stakeholder Committee
September 14, 2006
Media Release
A Plan to Protect the Environment from Impacts of Deep Oilsands Development Needed Now

September 14, 2006
Deep Oilsands
Presentation to the Oilsands Multi-stakeholder Committee
September 13, 2006
Media Release
A Vision and Plan for Alberta's Oilsands is Sorely Needed
The Pembina Institute outlines its proposals at the first public session in Bonnyville today