Research & Analysis

April 19, 2017
Improving Urban Freight Efficiency
Global best practices in reducing emissions in goods movement

March 20, 2017
Richmond can lead the way to low emissions buildings with energy benchmarking policy
Letter to the mayor and council of the City of Richmond
March 15, 2017
Media Release
Communities building rapid transit can learn from each other
New report highlights best practices in stakeholder engagement and land use planning for rapid transit projects

March 15, 2017
Getting on Board
Learning from planning and engagement around rapid transit projects in Ontario

February 8, 2017
Energiesprong: a leap forward for net-zero building retrofits
The Netherlands shows us a way to make every building net-zero

December 16, 2016
Passive House building boom shows low carbon future may be closer than we think
A building standard that curbs carbon pollution and locks in ultra energy efficiency

December 1, 2016
Go west to see the future of green buildings
See how Western Canada is leading the way in sustainable building standards

November 29, 2016
Regional Transportation Plan Review
Pembina Institute’s submission to Metrolinx’s 2016 review

November 24, 2016
Road tolls will put Toronto in the fast lane to better transit
One step closer to using smart tools to control congestion
November 22, 2016
Media Release
Low carbon future of Canada’s buildings to be hammered out in Vancouver
Media advisory: Thought leaders from building sector and multiple governments will gather at Pembina Institute forum