Research & Analysis
May 2, 2008
Media Release
Alberta Industry Fails to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Pollution
Government's approach delivers under half the targeted reductions
April 21, 2008
Media Release
Government Dismisses Multi-stakeholder Recommendation for Moratorium on Oilsands Leases

April 17, 2008
Media Release
Government's Lack of Royalty Transparency Persists
Pembina files freedom of information request for the "unintended consequences" analysis
April 16, 2008
Media Release
Government System of Land-Use Planning Threatens Ability to Protect Environment
New law needed to integrate management of impacts to land, air and water resources

April 16, 2008
Curing Environmental Dis-Integration
A Prescription for Integrating the Government of Alberta's Strategic Initiatives

March 11, 2008
Media Release
B.C. First Nations Tour Alberta Oilsands
Downstream impacts from toxics, pipelines and tankers discussed
March 5, 2008
Media Release
Environmentalists Win Landmark Oilsands Case
Court finds gaping holes in environmental assessment
February 26, 2008
Media Release
Candidates' Perspectives on Oilsands Compared with Albertan's Views
Pembina releases results of all-candidate oilsands survey

February 26, 2008
Polling Alberta's Politicians on Oilsands
Results of the Alberta 2008 election all-candidate oilsands survey

February 21, 2008
Media Release
Alberta's Land and Resource Management System Broken
New report lays out blueprint for land use framework