Research & Analysis
January 25, 2012
Media Release
Groups ask Federal Court to force Environment Minister’s hand on caribou
Six months have passed since minister told to reconsider emergency protection of caribou in oilsands region
January 19, 2012
U.S. decision on Keystone XL pipeline took climate consequences into account

January 18, 2012
Media Release
Pembina reacts to Obama administration's denial of Keystone XL pipeline

January 12, 2012
A provincial approach to regulating coal doesn’t mean the Feds are off the hook

January 11, 2012
Government statements on Gateway hearings show Canada is open for business, closed to criticism

December 16, 2011
Responsible Action?
An assessment of Alberta's greenhouse gas policies

December 6, 2011
Shell's "too good to be true" environmental assessment leaves decision makers relying on faulty data

Oil & Gas
November 29, 2011
Pipeline and Tanker Trouble
The impact to British Columbia's communities, rivers, and Pacific coastline from tar sands oil transport