Research & Analysis
June 24, 2011
Media Release
Pembina reacts to Government of Alberta decision to provide bonus credits for carbon capture and storage offsets

June 22, 2011
Media Release
Woodland caribou battle goes to Federal Court
Aggressive oilsands development places iconic species’ habitat — and future — in peril
June 20, 2011
Four years overdue
Government’s failure to protect woodland caribou triggers another oilsands lawsuit
June 9, 2011
Lemon or Lamborghini?
Investors require the full picture on oilsands liabilities

Oil & Gas
June 9, 2011
Full Disclosure
Environmental liabilities in Canada's oilsands: Perspective for investors
May 26, 2011
Province's draft plan for Lower Athabasca falls short
Blueprint protects oilsands developers' interests more than the environment

Oil & Gas
May 19, 2011
Pembina Institute’s input on the draft Lower Athabasca Integrated Regional Plan

May 3, 2011
Media Release
Pembina Reacts: Government of Alberta report on industrial greenhouse gas pollution

April 28, 2011
New report shows responsible oilsands development is only limited by political will