Research & Analysis

Oil & Gas, Remote Communities
May 10, 2011
Building a Regulatory Framework for Geothermal in the NWT
A report for the Government of Northwest Territories, Environment and Natural Resources Department

February 7, 2011
Letter from B.C. provincial government in response to Green Building Leaders letter
January 14, 2011
The Future of Energy Use in Medicine Hat
Engaging Individuals and Businesses in Hat Smart

December 13, 2010
Pembina’s new boss a bird-watching business guy who is passionate about the environment

December 8, 2010
Sex, drugs and . . . cap-and-trade?
While they may not be sexy, B.C.'s cap-and-trade regulations are important
October 21, 2010
B.C.'s carbon tax at work
How businesses and families can capitalize on the green economy