Research & Analysis

July 6, 2015
Net-zero contagious: Five mini net-zero communities spring up across Canada
Green Energy Futures heads to Guelph, Ontario to check one out

June 17, 2015
Welcome to the Octopod
An off-grid, solar powered shipping container cabin in Bobcaygeon, Ontario

June 16, 2015
Ontario: Canada's energy transition success story
Why shutting down coal and ramping up renewables is working

June 1, 2015
Location efficiency: Discovering the hidden transportation costs of where you live
Live closer to where you work and play and save money and time

May 20, 2015
Cradle to Cradle: Recycling's cooler younger brother
Making synthetic slate shingles that are reused and reused and reused

May 11, 2015
LEED works: How a green building rating system transformed the construction industry

April 27, 2015
The $750 billion dollar opportunity in industrial and commercial energy efficiency

March 17, 2015
Everything you wanted to know about a kilowatt-hour but were afraid to ask
The importance of energy literacy