Research & Analysis

Oil & Gas
December 16, 2010
Pipeline to Nowhere?
Uncertainty and unanswered questions about the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline

Oil & Gas
September 19, 2010
Canadian Aboriginal Concerns With Oilsands
A compilation of key issues, resolutions and legal activities

Oil & Gas
September 14, 2010
Toxic Liability
How Albertans Could End Up Paying for Oilsands Mine Reclamation (Report)

Oil & Gas
September 14, 2010
Toxic Liability
How Albertans Could End Up Paying for Oilsands Mine Reclamation (Fact Sheet)

Oil & Gas, Remote Communities
July 21, 2010
Northern Lifeblood (fact sheet)
Empowering Northern Leaders to Protect the Mackenzie River Basin from the Risks of Oilsands Development

Oil & Gas
July 21, 2010
Northern Lifeblood
Empowering Northern Leaders to Protect the Mackenzie River Basin from Oilsands Risks

Oil & Gas
March 17, 2010
Drilling Deeper: The In Situ Oilsands Report Card
In Situ Oilsands Report Card

Oil & Gas
March 17, 2010
In Situ Oilsands Report Best Practices Checklist
In Situ Best Practices Checklist

Oil & Gas
March 4, 2010
At a Crossroads
Achieving a Win-Win From Oil and Gas Developments in the Northwest Territories

Oil & Gas
January 26, 2010
At a Crossroads
Achieving a Win-Win From Oil and Gas Developments in the Northwest Territories