Research & Analysis

April 3, 2018
B.C. LNG plans at odds with clean growth
Re: “Province offers LNG incentives at risk of losing Green support,” March 23

April 3, 2018
How Canada can accelerate the transition to clean cars
Electrification of on-road transportation is key to meeting Canada’s climate targets

March 23, 2018
Five ideas for a competitive, low-carbon freight industry in Canada
Transportation is responsible for nearly a quarter of Canada’s total emissions
March 22, 2018
Media Release
B.C. LNG framework high on tax breaks, low on climate action
Pembina Institute reacts to B.C. government’s LNG announcement

March 15, 2018
Designing an Alberta-made caribou survival plan
Six recommendations to the Alberta government to help our woodland caribou recover as another deadline looms

February 27, 2018
Opening our eyes to the new energy reality
Our response to the Energy Diversification Advisory Committee’s report
February 16, 2018
Media Release
Federal funding should help reduce fossil fuel dependency in rural and remote communities
Pembina Institute reacts to Government of Canada funding clean energy in rural and remote communities
February 8, 2018
Media Release
New federal laws will strengthen Canada’s environmental assessment regime
Pembina Institute reacts to Trudeau government legislation to repair Canada’s environmental assessment and energy project review regime

Oil & Gas
February 5, 2018
Prospects for Alberta oil and gas in a decarbonizing world
The Pembina Institute's submission to the Energy Diversification Advisory Committee

December 21, 2017
Three takeaways from Canada’s clean fuel standard framework
What we know so far about this marquee climate policy
December 19, 2017
Media Release
Alberta Government continues its mismanagement of fluid tailings with approval of CNRL's tailings plan
Pembina Institute reacts to Alberta Energy Regulator's decision

October 6, 2017
Carbon price vintaging of credits in the Output-Based Allocation System
Technical Note