Research & Analysis
December 19, 2013
Media Release
Pembina reacts to review panel recommendation on the proposed Northern Gateway pipeline

November 29, 2013
Correspondence concerning President Obama's Keystone XL "climate test"
Received under an Access to Information request
November 29, 2013
Getting on track for Canada's Climate Target: Designing a technology fund that works for 2020
Part of the Green Budget Coalition recommendations for Federal Budget 2014

Oil & Gas
November 25, 2013
Oilsands Transportation Infrastructure
Pembina Institute Perspective

November 22, 2013
Earning social licence the traditional way
Why public engagement in the oilsands regulatory process matters
November 13, 2013
Media Release
Oilsands boom brings economic risks: report
Governments should do more to mitigate risks and regional disparities associated with rapid oilsands