Research & Analysis
August 10, 2011
Media Release
Alberta Utilities Commission fails to protect public interest with final coal plant approval
Approval weakens standards for greenhouse gas pollution in Alberta and could undermine upcoming federal coal regulations

August 9, 2011
Media Release
Pembina reacts to Ontario's support for electric vehicle charging stations

August 2, 2011
Media Release
Alberta Utilities Commission faces court challenge over approval of Milner coal plant expansion
Failure to hold public hearing, expedited approval sparks lawsuit
July 29, 2011
In fight to protect caribou, legal victory for Pembina increases pressure on Government of Canada to take action

July 29, 2011
Media Release
Federal Court overturns Minister’s decision not to recommend emergency protection for caribou
Fate of woodland caribou in oilsands region back in Environment Minister’s hands
July 25, 2011
Why BC's carbon tax must rise
Thinking about the climate when we debate climate policy