Research & Analysis

October 26, 2017
Coming to code
Energy regulations for existing buildings are changing. Are you ready?
October 26, 2017
Media Release
Approval of Suncor’s unambitious tailings plan is disappointing
Pembina Institute reacts to Alberta Energy Regulator’s decision

October 25, 2017
British Columbia has second chance to get climate plan right
We can’t let the clean growth opportunity slip away

October 24, 2017
Protect Alberta’s caribou, or they won’t survive 50 more years
Oilsands at 50 Series – The Real Cost of Development, Part 4
October 23, 2017
Media Release
New B.C. climate plan must act swiftly on carbon pollution, power up clean growth
Pembina Institute’s Karen Tam Wu named to Climate Solutions and Clean Growth Advisory Council

October 19, 2017
Aggregation of energy retrofits in affordable housing
Opportunities and challenges in adapting the Energiesprong model in B.C.

October 19, 2017
Methane management key to energy future
Alberta can shape the future of the energy industry, but will it?

October 16, 2017
Everybody wins with investments in smart zero-carbon innovation
Governments have played key roles in the development of many technologies

October 13, 2017
Fifty years of oilsands equals only 0.1% of land reclaimed
Oilsands at 50 Series – The Real Cost of Development, Part 3

October 12, 2017
Opportunities for moving goods by bicycle in Toronto
October 12, 2017
Media Release
Moving more goods by bike will reduce congestion in Toronto’s downtown
Toronto has huge potential to grow the cyclelogistics sector, bringing economic and environmental benefits

October 11, 2017
Federal Policies for Low-Carbon Buildings
A blueprint to implement the Pan-Canadian Framework buildings strategy

October 11, 2017
Politiques fédérales pour des bâtiments sobres en carbone
Un plan pour la mise en œuvre de la stratégie du Cadre pancanadien relative aux bâtiments