Research & Analysis
January 10, 2008
Media Release
First-ever Oilsands Mine Environmental Report Card Reveals Weak Environmental Performance

January 7, 2008
A Checklist for Alberta's Climate Change Plan
What to look for in a comprehensive action plan for Alberta

January 7, 2008
Media Release
New Report Shows Urgent Need for Stronger Climate Policies from Canada's Government

January 7, 2008
Assessing the Potential Uptake for a Remote Community Wind Incentive Program in Canada
A Report for the Canadian Wind Energy Association
December 15, 2007
Media Release
Canada Bows to Pressure at Bali's 11th Hour
Environmental Groups Give Deal a Qualified Welcome
December 15, 2007
A Review of Alberta Environment's Proposed Regulatory Framework for Managing Environmental Cumulative Effects

December 11, 2007
Bill C-377, an Act to Ensure Canada Assumes its Responsibilities in Preventing Dangerous Climate Change
Presentation by Matthew Bramley to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development
December 7, 2007
Evaluation of the Government of Canada's Greenhouse Gas Reduction Policies
Prepared for the Climate Change Performance Index 2008

December 5, 2007
Open Letter to Environment Minister Baird on Climate Change and Development