Research & Analysis
June 4, 2009
Media Release
Clearing the Air on Oilsands Myths
Pembina Institute Distributes Facts to Key Decision Makers in Canada and the U.S.

June 4, 2009
Media Release
U.S. and Canadian Green Leaders Unite
Joint-Declaration Outlines Collaboration on Climate Negotiations, Dirty Fuels and Arctic Protection
June 4, 2009
Declaration des chefs de file canadiens et americains de l'environnement et de la conservation sur le climat, l'energie et la conservation des espaces naturels

June 4, 2009
Declaration of U.S. and Canadian Environmental and Conservation Leaders on U.S.-Canada Cooperation on Climate, Energy, and Natural Areas Conservation

June 3, 2009
Media Release
There has Never Been a Better Time Not To Buy a Reactor
Groups ask McGuinty to delay buying new reactor and instead replace aging reactors with green power

June 3, 2009
The Perfect Storm in Favour of Green Power
Why There Has Never Been A Better Time To Not Buy Nuclear Power
June 1, 2009
Media Release
Canada's Environmental Leaders Off to Washington for Canada-U.S. Enviro-Summit

June 1, 2009
Media Release
Les leaders de groupes environnementaux canadiens se rendent à Washington pour le Sommet environnemental Canada-États-Unis