Research & Analysis
September 1, 2009
Media Release
Pembina Reacts: Budget a Missed Opportunity to Continue Building British Columbia's Green Economy

August 28, 2009
Media Release
Court ruling demonstrates oilsands review process broken
Judge rules ERCB not required to review Shell’s failure to follow through on pollution limits
August 26, 2009
Reform Proposed Federal Offset System
Letter to the Federal Minister of the Environment

August 19, 2009
The B.C. Utilities Commission's Ruling on BC Hydro’s Long-Term Acquisition Plan
A Letter to the Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources
August 17, 2009
EnCana's Proposed Northeast B.C. Cabin Gas Plant
Accounting for the Climate Change Implications

August 17, 2009
Media Release
Prime Minister Harper invited to visit Young Leaders' Summit on Northern Climate Change

August 13, 2009
Comments on the Proposed Federal Offset System, "Canada's Offset System for Greenhouse Gases"