Research & Analysis

Equitable Transition
November 17, 2023
ENGOs propose amendments to Sustainable Jobs Act
Climate organizations recommend changes to strengthen Bill C-50 in light of unnecessary delays at Canada’s Standing Committee on Natural Resources

November 15, 2023
“Affordable housing” isn’t affordable unless it’s energy efficient
As governments across Canada commit to building thousands of new homes, they also must commit to ensuring that housing is affordable to heat and cool

Carbon Removal
November 9, 2023
The Role of Carbon Dioxide Removal on Canada's Path to Net-Zero
Alberta Climate Summit Panel summary

November 2, 2023
Modelled aspects of the Alberta electricity system
Peaking capacity, supply adequacy and simple cycle gas plant operations

November 2, 2023
Pembina Institute response to draft Clean Electricity Regulations
Submitted to Environment and Climate Change Canada

November 1, 2023
Thank you for being part of the Alberta Climate Summit 2023!
Sold-out event featured lively exchanges and forward-looking solutions
November 1, 2023
Media Release
Pembina Institute releases strategy to decarbonize Canada’s highest emitting vehicles
The relentless rise in truck and bus emissions makes it increasingly urgent to develop a national clean transportation plan

November 1, 2023
Canada’s Pathway to Net-Zero for Medium- and Heavy-Duty Trucks and Buses
The drive to clean transportation in 2040

Remote Communities
October 31, 2023
Lessons learned on remote energy and international exchange
Remote community success stories, common challenges, and the imperative to share

October 26, 2023
Media Release
Pembina reacts to pause in home heating oil carbon tax and doubling of rural rebate program
Carbon tax should be a vehicle for funding the transition of households struggling with energy costs to more affordable, low emission sources of heating

Oil & Gas
October 19, 2023
Polling Results: Oil and Gas, Jobs and Targets
Alberta too dependent on oil and gas; gov’t should plan for future jobs for energy workers