Research & Analysis

Remote Communities
September 9, 2019
B.C. Indigenous Utilities Regulation Inquiry
Letter of Comment

Remote Communities
July 9, 2019
Power Shift in Remote Indigenous Communities
A cross-Canada scan of diesel reduction and clean energy policies

Remote Communities
May 10, 2019
The future of the electric utility in Canada’s remote communities
Regulatory and business model reforms could accelerate clean energy transition

Remote Communities
March 27, 2019
Comments on Qulliq Energy Corporation’s proposed IPP policy
Pembina Institute submission on independent power producer program in Nunavut

Remote Communities
March 6, 2019
The True Cost of Energy in Remote Communities
Understanding diesel electricity generation terms and economics — 2nd edition

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Remote Communities
January 28, 2019
Remote communities meet renewable energy solutions
Challenges and opportunities for hybrid microgrids

Remote Communities
January 15, 2019
Diesel, renewables, and the future of Canada’s remote communities
Introduction to microgrids

Remote Communities
December 12, 2018
Indigenous clean energy shift must be built on trust and respect
Improving relationships key to ending diesel dependence in remote communities

August 7, 2018
Securing a clean growth future for B.C.’s buildings, industry, and transportation
Pembina Institute comments on the government’s intentions papers

April 18, 2018
Five types of green buildings explained
Infographic: What do net-zero and zero-carbon buildings mean for energy use and climate pollution?

February 28, 2018
B.C. needs a low-carbon buildings strategy
Infographic shows scale of retrofits required to meet climate targets