Research & Analysis

Oil & Gas
February 19, 2020
The oilsands in a carbon-constrained Canada
The collision course between overall emissions and national climate commitments

Oil & Gas
November 21, 2019
Landowners' Primer: What you need to know about unreclaimed oil and gas wells
A tool for landowners who find themselves with inactive, suspended, abandoned or orphaned wells on their property.

Oil & Gas
November 21, 2019
What do rural landowners need to know about inactive and orphaned wells?
Pembina Institute’s latest primer on oil and gas liabilities in Alberta

October 17, 2019
Alberta Energy Regulator Review
Pembina Institute submission to Alberta Energy on mandate and system operations review of the Alberta Energy Regulator

Oil & Gas
October 12, 2019
Credibility is Alberta Energy Regulator's real problem
A “world-class regulator” needs to manage more than just pushing out fast approvals
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March 14, 2019
Try out Alberta’s Energy Policy Simulator
Use this tool to forecast the impact of energy and climate policies on carbon pollution

June 13, 2018
How conservation offsets could be just what Alberta (and its caribou) needs
Syncrude contributes to Nature Conservancy as compensation for impacts of industrial development at other sites

May 22, 2018
What does the Redwater case mean for oilsands mines clean-up?
Whatever the Supreme Court decides, Redwater will change how we do things

Oil & Gas
May 2, 2018
The catch-22 of the Redwater case
Who gets the profits from selling a bankrupt oil and gas company?

March 15, 2018
Designing an Alberta-made caribou survival plan
Six recommendations to the Alberta government to help our woodland caribou recover as another deadline looms

October 24, 2017
Protect Alberta’s caribou, or they won’t survive 50 more years
Oilsands at 50 Series – The Real Cost of Development, Part 4