Research & Analysis

June 14, 2016
Change in emissions by 2030 for Canada’s most populous provinces

June 14, 2016
How do B.C.’s climate action commitments stack up?
Rising emissions in B.C. contrast with progress in Alberta, Ontario and Quebec

June 10, 2016
Saskatchewan blows the dust off its dirty electricity grid
Prairie province wants 50 per cent renewable by 2030

June 8, 2016
Media Release
Pembina reacts to Government of Alberta Caribou Conservation announcement

Oil & Gas
June 2, 2016
Sarita and Malahat LNG: Fracking comes with environmental impacts
May 24, 2016
Media Release
Pembina reacts to legislation being tabled to implement Alberta’s Climate Leadership Plan
Bill 20 includes the framework for a carbon levy in Alberta

May 19, 2016
What does the carbon levy really mean for me?
Updated: New information about the impact of indirect costs

May 19, 2016
Building Ontario’s low carbon economy
New climate change legislation lays solid foundation for climate success