Research & Analysis
May 10, 2017
Media Release
B.C. voters create opportunity for renewed climate leadership
Pembina Institute reacts to results of 2017 provincial election

May 9, 2017
Why Canada should move forward with carbon pollution pricing
More than ever, the world needs Canada to lead

May 8, 2017
Review of environmental assessment processes
Submission on the expert panel report

May 5, 2017
Six troubling subsidies that support B.C.’s LNG industry
Fossil fuel incentives won’t secure clean economic prosperity for British Columbians

May 4, 2017
City plan good for environment and pocketbook
Re: "City fights back against B.C. Liberals natural gas ban claim," online May 1

May 4, 2017
Leveraging subnational climate action in an age of populism
What the world can learn from Canada

May 4, 2017
Putting a price on carbon pollution across Canada
Taking stock of progress, challenges, and opportunities as Canada prepares its national carbon pricing benchmark

May 1, 2017
Vancouver’s green buildings policy is good news for homeowners and renters
Benefits of energy efficient homes include affordable heating bills, job creation, and better health

April 27, 2017
Will B.C. LNG exports reduce global carbon pollution?
The math simply doesn’t add up
April 27, 2017
Media Release
Ontario’s budget moves the province towards a low carbon future
Pembina Institute reacts to the release of the 2017 Ontario budget

April 25, 2017
Proposed Clean Fuel Standard
Submission to the federal government's discussion paper

April 25, 2017
Media Release
Point-of-sale rebates to make energy efficient products more accessible to Albertans
Pembina reacts to Alberta’s point-of-sale energy efficiency rebates