Research & Analysis

July 19, 2017
Better homes, lower costs, less pollution: The Energiesprong model and B.C. buildings
Introducing the Affordable Housing Renewal pilot project
July 18, 2017
Media Release
Clean growth must be top priority for Premier John Horgan and B.C. cabinet
Pembina Institute reacts to swearing in of NDP government

July 13, 2017
Sunny days and solar electricity arrive in the West Kootenays
Nelson community solar garden uncovers idle solar resource

July 6, 2017
A pragmatic view of the future of coal
Coal plants are shutting down across the globe because of their negative health impacts and low profitability.

June 30, 2017
Federal Carbon Pricing Backstop
Pembina Institute comments on technical paper

Oil & Gas
June 27, 2017
OSEC submission to Suncor enhanced review process
Letter to the Alberta Energy Regulator

June 26, 2017
Windows one part of move to decreased energy consumption
More companies like the Langley firm profiled will bring energy efficient products to market

June 22, 2017
Kicking off Canada’s first neighbourhood-led freight forum
Opportunities to improve efficiency in urban freight

June 21, 2017
The cost of managing methane emissions
Investing 1.2% of oil and the gas industry’s production and expansion budget to address climate change is a bargain

June 21, 2017
Media Release
Alberta’s $36 million solar install program will lower electricity costs
Pembina reacts to Alberta Government solar funding program

June 21, 2017
Making electricity billing fair
How Alberta’s billing system disadvantages small solar generators

June 15, 2017
Accelerating market transformation: 6 strategies for passive buildings
North America’s Quiet Passive House Revolution — Part 3