Research & Analysis
Oil & Gas
September 4, 2020
Media Release
Government action holding oilsands operators to account on tailings management long overdue
Pembina Institute reacts to the Commission on Environmental Cooperation’s finding on oilsands tailings
September 3, 2020
Media Release
Without federal action, Canada will miss easiest, cheapest opportunity to reduce climate emissions
New analysis shows oil and gas methane regulations will create a gap of up to seven million tonnes
Oil & Gas
September 3, 2020
Media briefing on Canadian methane regulations
Regulation and provincial equivalency
September 2, 2020
Media Release
Carbon pollution pricing needed to support B.C.’s resilient recovery
Pembina Institute reacts to B.C.’s postponement of carbon tax increase

August 31, 2020
Property assessed clean energy enabling legislation
Recommendations to the Province of British Columbia

August 26, 2020
Helping Canadian communities rebuild stronger economies with renewables
Renewable electricity generation will drive economic growth

July 29, 2020
Training up for deep retrofits
Skilled trades are key to transforming Canada’s building sector
July 28, 2020
Media Release
City of Toronto delivers on cargo e-bike recommendations to help reduce GHG emissions
Pembina Institute congratulates Toronto, encourages province to take the next step to help businesses, cities

July 28, 2020
Accelerating B.C.’s economic recovery through building retrofits
Submission to the Government of British Columbia

July 28, 2020
Media Release
Major solar project good news for renewable energy, Alberta
BRC-Canada founding members RBC, Bullfrog Power and BluEarth Renewables join forces for solar development