Research & Analysis
April 1, 2005
Statement from Canadian Environmental Leaders Regarding Canada's Kyoto Plan

April 1, 2005
Media Release
Statement from Canadian Environmental Leaders Regarding Canada's Kyoto Plan

March 30, 2005
TEAM Protocols for Project Case Power Projects and Baseline Grid Emissions
Final Report by the Pembina Institute

March 28, 2005
Media Release
No Assurance Auto Emissions Deal Adequate for Kyoto, Warn Environmental Groups

March 28, 2005
Media Release
Statement from Canadian Environmental Leaders Regarding the Regulation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA)

March 24, 2005
Canada's Implementation of the Kyoto Protocol
Second Letter to Prime Minister Martin

March 15, 2005
Bio-product Market Development Strategy
A Scoping Study on Federal Policies for Creating Market Demand for Bio-products in Canada

March 8, 2005
The Cost to Taxpayers of Weakening Kyoto Targets for Industry
March 8, 2005
Media Release
Taxpayers on the Hook for $2.65 Billion Hidden Industry Bailout if Kyoto Targets Weakened