Research & Analysis

January 17, 2008
Corporate Environmental Responsibility and ENGOs
Is the Company Door Open, Shut or Ajar?
January 14, 2008
Media Release
Stelmach Goes to Washington; Controversial Kearl Tar Sands Project Goes to Court

January 10, 2008
Media Release
First-ever Oilsands Mine Environmental Report Card Reveals Weak Environmental Performance

January 7, 2008
A Checklist for Alberta's Climate Change Plan
What to look for in a comprehensive action plan for Alberta

January 7, 2008
Media Release
New Report Shows Urgent Need for Stronger Climate Policies from Canada's Government

January 7, 2008
Assessing the Potential Uptake for a Remote Community Wind Incentive Program in Canada
A Report for the Canadian Wind Energy Association
December 15, 2007
Media Release
Canada Bows to Pressure at Bali's 11th Hour
Environmental Groups Give Deal a Qualified Welcome
December 15, 2007
A Review of Alberta Environment's Proposed Regulatory Framework for Managing Environmental Cumulative Effects