Research & Analysis
March 11, 2008
Media Release
B.C. First Nations Tour Alberta Oilsands
Downstream impacts from toxics, pipelines and tankers discussed
March 7, 2008
Media Release
Canada's Leading Environmental Groups Release National Roadmap to Set More Sustainable Course for Country
Canada at crossroads: Government must seize opportunity to address environmental concerns

March 7, 2008
Demain n'attend pas : Comment le Canada peut veritablement changer le cours des choses

March 7, 2008
Media Release
Publication du plan d'action national des principaux groupes environnementaux du Canada en vue d'ameliorer le developpement ecologique durable au pays

March 7, 2008
Media Release
Climate Action Network Welcomes Creation of Ontario Climate Change Secretariat

March 5, 2008
Media Release
Environmentalists Win Landmark Oilsands Case
Court finds gaping holes in environmental assessment

February 29, 2008
Feeding the Grid Renewably (Fact Sheet)
How feed-in tariffs maximize the benefits of renewable energy

February 29, 2008
Feeding the Grid Renewably (Primer)
How feed-in tariffs maximize the benefits of renewable energy

February 28, 2008
Media Release
The Canadian Renewable Energy Alliance Calls on Canada to "Catch up" at International Renewable Energy Conference

February 26, 2008
Media Release
Candidates' Perspectives on Oilsands Compared with Albertan's Views
Pembina releases results of all-candidate oilsands survey