Research & Analysis
August 11, 2010
Media Release
Pembina and Water Matters React: Noncompliance with tailings directive 074 a growing concern

August 10, 2010
Ontario's Green Energy Plan 2.0
Choosing 21st Century Energy Options
August 5, 2010
Media Release
Pembina reacts to Stelmach oilsands PR at Council of the Federation
Strong economic growth does not have to mean more pollution
July 30, 2010
Loopholes will delay progress on reducing greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles

July 30, 2010
Climate Change Adaptation Case Studies
How communities in the global south are coping with climate change
July 29, 2010
Geoexchange explained
How to efficiently heat and cool buildings using free energy
July 29, 2010
Media Release
First in-depth analysis finds federal greenhouse gas regulations may have little or no effect