Developing a climate plan and targets for Ontario

Pembina Institute comments on Ontario's Bill 4, the Cap and Trade Cancellation Act

The Pembina Institute is appreciative of the opportunity to share our views on Ontario’s Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks’ Bill 4 – An Act respecting the preparation of a climate change plan, providing for the wind down of the cap-and-trade program and repealing the Climate Change Mitigation and Low-carbon Economy Act, 2016.

The development of a new climate plan offers a significant opportunity to put forward a concrete set of ambitious measures to protect Ontarians’ health and prosperity by reducing harmful greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions while promoting innovation, job creation, and economic growth. Although the Pembina Institute does not support the government’s decision to cancel the cap-and-trade program, particularly before having put forward an alternative to tackle one of the most pressing issues for Ontarians, we are encouraged by the Minister’s commitment to establish a new GHG reduction target and a climate change plan as well as to report on the implementation of this plan. We look forward to working with the Government of Ontario on these objectives.