Pembina reacts to Canada setting greenhouse gas emission targets for 2030

CALGARY — Amin Asadollahi, oilsands director at the Pembina Institute, made the following statement in response to the Government of Canada’s announcement it intends to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 30 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030.

“Given Canada’s history of setting climate targets while failing to implement regulations to meet them, today’s announcement doesn’t mean much without a credible plan of action to back it up.

“By 2020, Environment Canada projects Alberta will be responsible for 40 per cent of all greenhouse gas pollution nationally, with much of this growth coming from oilsands expansion. While some aspects of today’s announcement are praiseworthy — for instance, the commitment to regulate the release of methane from oil and gas in line with recent announcements from President Obama — Canada simply can’t do its part globally on climate change without reigning in the growth of greenhouse gas pollution from the oilsands.

“Today’s announcement must be matched with stringent new policies and regulations, and with a plan to coordinate action with the provinces to ensure the efforts of some jurisdictions to cut greenhouse gas pollution are not undone by the growth of emissions elsewhere.

“Despite claiming for years that Canada would align with the U.S. on regulating greenhouse gas pollution, the federal government has now set a target that would leave us trailing behind our neighbour if it continues on its current pathway of emissions reductions. That is a poor strategy if Canada is to compete in a world rapidly shifting to cleaner energy systems.”



Kirk Heuser
Communications Lead, Pembina Institute

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