Alberta homes and businesses to benefit from funding for solar

Pembina reacts to the residential and commercial solar program announcement

February 27, 2017
Media Release

The University of Alberta's PAW Centre solar screen. Photo by Roberta Franchuk

Calgary — Dr. Sara Hastings-Simon, Director, Clean Economy at the Pembina Institute, made the following statement in response to the Alberta Government’s solar funding announcement:

“Generating electricity from the sun makes sense in Alberta — it’s one of the sunniest provinces in Canada. The new Solar Program, funded by the carbon levy, will give Albertans a choice in how they meet their electricity needs, allowing them the independence to generate their own electricity and putting money back in their pockets. 

“The funding is in addition to the 20 MW of solar through existing provincial programs such as the Solar for Schools, On-Farm Solar, Municipal Solar and Indigenous Community Energy programs. Helping more Albertans to “go solar” will create jobs in the community while displacing the most costly electricity generation and reducing the need for new transmission infrastructure by powering homes right when and where its needed – leading to savings for all Albertans.”



Suzy Thompson
Communications Lead, Alberta, Pembina Institute



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