Pembina reacts to federal announcement on heavy-duty vehicle regulations

February 25, 2013
Media Release

P.J. Partington, climate policy analyst with the Pembina Institute, made the following statement in response to the federal government’s announcement today of final regulations for heavy-duty vehicles:

“While regulations on freight emissions are important, today’s announcement simply marks another step toward implementing these previously-announced regulations. Canada is playing catch-up to the United States, which finalized the same standards in August 2011.

“Though necessary, today's announcement doesn't answer the real questions facing the Harper government. The world is waiting to hear how Canada will manage rapidly growing emissions from the oil and gas sector. Without much stronger action to hit our 2020 target, Canada is on the express track for another broken promise.

“Nothing in today’s announcement moves us closer to achieving our international commitments. These rules are already factored into the government’s projections that say we will miss our target by over 100 million tonnes — more than the current emissions from every Canadian passenger car, truck and bus put together.”



P.J. Partington
Technical and Policy Analyst
Cell: 647-706-6648

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