Pembina Reacts: NDP report highlights growing evidence of oilsands impacts on Canada’s freshwater

CALGARY, AB — Simon Dyer, oilsands program director for the Pembina Institute, responded to today's release of the NDP minority report on the findings of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development's study of the impact of oilsands development on Canada's freshwater.

"The Pembina Institute was very disappointed when the 18-month House of Commons Standing Committee investigation into oilsands pollution of water was cancelled and draft copies of the final report were destroyed. Today, we welcome findings, important to Canadians, that have been salvaged and revealed in the NDP report.

"It is very important elected representatives from all parties respond to the clear linkages between rapidly expanding oilsands development and evidence of damage to the Athabasca River.

"Recent peer reviewed research by world-renowned water scientist, Dr. David Schindler, indicates that oilsands development is contributing to elevated levels of heavy metals and other pollutants in the Athabasca River and Canadians deserve a full discussion on how these impacts will be addressed – not a cover-up.”



Simon Dyer — Director, Oilsands
Pembina Institute
Cell: 403-322-3937
Phone: 403-721-3937


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