Pembina Reacts: Suncor achieves solid surface on Tailings Pond 1

CALGARY, AB — Marlo Raynolds, executive director of the Pembina Institute, responded to today's announcement that Suncor has achieved a solid surface for its "Pond 1" tailings pond.

"We need to see very serious improvement in the environmental management of tailings. Suncor's announcement that the tailings in Pond 1 have been solidified represents progress and does reduce the environmental risk.

"While today’s announcement is a welcome milestone, the problem posed by toxic tailings waste continues to grow for the industry as a whole. We are disappointed that in comparison to two Suncor operations, other companies have failed to submit plans that meet rules set out by the regulator to deal with future tailings.

"The true test is how much land is certified as reclaimed by law. After more than 40 years of oilsands operations less than 0.2 per cent of disturbed lands are certified as reclaimed. We urge both government and industry to become much more transparent about the progress, challenges and costs of oilsands reclamation and tailings management."


Download: Pembina's Backgrounder on Pond 1 and Tailings Reclamation.


Marlo Raynolds — Executive Director
Pembina Institute
Cell: 403-607-9427
Phone: 403-269-3344 ext. 113


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