Polling Alberta's Politicians on Oilsands Development

Pembina launches all-candidate survey

Today, the Pembina Institute launched an all-candidate online survey about oilsands development. To inform Albertans about their candidates' views on oilsands development, the Institute commissioned McAllister Opinion Research to conduct an online survey of the candidates running in all 83 ridings in the 2008 Alberta election.

"Over the past few years, Albertans have been asked with increasing frequency to share their views on oilsands development with the Government and with pollsters," says Dan Woynillowicz, a Senior Policy Analyst with the Pembina Institute. "Now it's time to ask candidates who wish to serve in the next government to share their views on this important issue."

Oilsands development in Alberta is receiving increasing national and international attention. The rate and scale of oilsands development is the driving force in social, environmental and economic change throughout the province - from Lethbridge to Calgary to Fort McMurray and Fort Chipewyan - and is the factor that underlies many key issues being discussed by candidates. The survey, conducted by McAllister Opinion Research, includes questions about the pace of oilsands development, the role of government in oilsands development, the management of greenhouse gas pollution, and the reclamation of oilsands projects.

"How oilsands development is managed in Alberta is one of the most important issues facing Albertans," notes Simon Dyer, Oilsands Program Director. " As a result, it's important that Albertans learn about the views of the candidates who wish to represent them, and consider whether those views are consistent with their own when they mark their ballot."

Candidates have until February 21 to take the five-minute online survey. Complete survey results for each candidate will be made available online to the public and the media on February 26, 2008. As a non-partisan organization, the Pembina Institute will not endorse any candidate or party.


For more information, contact:

Dan Woynillowicz
Cell: 403-888-6272

Simon Dyer
Cell: 403-322-3937


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