Focus Areas

Leading the transition to clean energy requires advancing solutions to today’s energy challenges from various angles. The Pembina Institute has spent four decades working to reduce the environmental impacts of Canada’s energy production and to provide actionable ideas on how to implement clean energy.

Our work is broadly organized around seven programs. We seek engagement on issues at the national level and with provinces, territories and municipalities and communities across the country. We have offices in British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario.

Buildings icon


Decarbonizing Canada’s homes and buildings is the only form of climate action that reduces emissions while also directly protecting Canadians from extreme weather. Our Buildings Program develops and advocates for policies that will spur a renovation wave to make all Canada’s buildings – our third-largest source of emissions – net-zero, safe, affordable and resilient.

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Business Renewables Centre-Canada

Corporate action on climate change is critical to meeting Canada's climate goals. The Business Renewables Centre-Canada (BRC-Canada) is a non-profit initiative of the Pembina Institute that shortens the learning curve for corporations and institutions with an interest in purchasing renewable energy.

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clean electricity


Clean electricity is the backbone of a clean, competitive economy. Decarbonizing our electricity grids by 2035 provides the structure necessary for the rest of the economy to electrify by 2050 and allows Canada to remain competitive in the low-carbon economy. Our electricity program’s research on grid decarbonization provides evidence-based policy solutions that support affordability and reliability while reducing emissions.

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just transition

Equitable Transition

The transition to clean energy will create new economic opportunities and a wide range of good jobs. Our Equitable Transition program advocates for policies to ensure the clean energy economy benefits workers and communities and increases access to good jobs for women and other equity-seeking groups.

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oil and gas

Oil and Gas

As one of Canada’s major industries, the oil and gas sector must do its fair share to meet climate targets and remain competitive in a world that is increasingly seeking low-carbon energy. The Pembina Institute advocates for policy solutions to reduce emissions through electrification, methane abatement, carbon capture, utilization and storage, and other technologies.

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renewables in remote communities

Renewables in Remote Communities

A groundswell of Indigenous leadership, passion, and skill is combatting diesel dependency and enabling a clean energy transition in remote communities across Canada. The Pembina Institute’s Renewables in Remote Communities program works with communities, industry, and government to support this momentum and bring down barriers to community and Indigenous-led visions of clean energy action.

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clean transportation


The vehicles that transport our families, workers and goods within and between our communities and across the country are the second-largest source of emissions in Canada. The Transportation Program develops policies and strategies such as facilitating the transition to zero-emission vehicles, exploring the use of alternative low carbon fuels, and encouraging modes of transportation that reduce energy demand.

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