
Private Workshop

Vancouver, B.C.

Our Affordable Housing Renewal workshop took place on October 10, 2017. Photo: Stephen Hui, Pembina Institute

Affordable housing renewal: Retrofits at scale

Hosted by the Pembina Institute

Private Workshop
Oct. 10, 2017 12:00am
BCIT Downtown Campus

Update: Scroll down for a summary report and social media highlights from the workshop.

The Pembina Institute hosted a workshop for leaders from the social housing and retrofit sectors. Participants explored how supply and demand for retrofit services can come together in the form of an affordable net-zero energy (or net-zero carbon) retrofit solution that can be scaled across the low-rise residential sector.

Join the conversation: #BCBuildings

Workshop summary

Download the workshop summary: Affordable Housing Renewal: Retrofits at Scale

Read the backgrounder: Aggregation of energy retrofits in affordable housing

Social media highlights

Affordable Housing Renewal: Retrofits at Scale

Learn more

Blog: Better homes, lower costs, less pollution: The Energiesprong model and B.C. buildings

Report: Deep Emissions Reduction in the Existing Building Stock

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